Things To Do

This property is not located on the road.

A trek of 2 kms. of moderate difficulty has to be undertaken to reach the property.

Staff will guide and assist you from the last motorable point at Jajri.

Things To Do

Explore the ancient preserved BareiJangel village within walking distance. Observe rain fed crops worked and tilled tirelessly by villagers, sheep and goat herding in the daisy filled meadows.

Trek to Jot pass. A six to twelve hour trek(depending on your fitness level) to the pass and back will test your resilience and strength. We offer a packed lunch for your trek; however the Jot pass is a tourist destination and has a few hotels and eateries. Walking the flower filled mountain tops of the pass is a soul replenishing experience. One must start early to have an hour to oneself to cherish the great accomplishment of climbing up to the pass while gazing down at the Chamba Valley.

If you make an early start (7 A.M.) from the lodge to the pass you can also take a cab from the pass to Khajiar which is an hour’s drive from the pass. Grab a quick bite at Khajjiar or Mini Switzerland as some may call it. This trek has to be timed perfectly in order to make it back from the pass to the lodge which is a six hour (3 hours one way) hike during daylight. Carrying water, torches and necessary hiking aides is recommended.

The birds and bees trek- Trek from behind the lodge up and around the surrounding mountains and back to the north edge of the village. This beautiful trek takes an hour and a half above mountain tops and is recommended any time of the day.

Bathe in the fresh spring water stream.

Challenge yourself by choosing a spot from the lodge and trek there with a guide.

Play a game of Garden Croquet. (Our staff will provide you with a croquet set) Star Gazing. If you are lucky to have a clear sky, request the staff to switch off all the lights and you will be rewarded with a mind blowing vista of the night sky. If you are patient you will be able to spot a few satellites moving in the night sky, and if you are lucky you eye will catch a shooting star.